Twenty is Plenty.
We’re here to help spread the word.
We want safer, friendlier, and healthier streets, cities, and suburbs. We want to walk and bike freely, and we’re ready to send a message, nicely or not.
The fact is, we have a transportation system built almost exclusively for cars, and this system’s evil super-power is the ability to transform decent people into sociopaths. Every second, entitled drivers act out a million unconscious micro-aggressions and casual intimidations. “Road rage” is a common name for the extreme cases of this social disease, but it is only a symptom, with so many people living with lesser versions of the illness. So it’s time for a detox, to wake up from our automobilized nightmare, tell the DOT to go fcuk itself, and fight for a better way to live.
Choose your tactic. We’ve organized the merch into polite, spicy, and guerrilla categories, and other ways to sort through it. And check back regularly. We’re fired up and channelling that into new designs, like our FantasyBikeWorld and PatronSaints collections, collabs, and our sister sites. And for those who want to cycle like it’s 1899, check out our VintageSteelPrints™.